About Finn Sheep
Why Finn Sheep?
We chose the Finn breed because their unique characteristics were the best fit for our goals and environment.
We need sheep that are hardy and adaptable to our harsh landscape and tolerant of both heat and cold. We need proven health, excellent mothering and vigorous lambs. We want soft, lustrous fiber for hand spinning and wool crafting, as well as lean, tasty, home-grown meat. We want natural color in the fleece and a gentle, pleasant disposition. The Finns perform magnificently on all counts!
What we get for a bonus is a body size that is manageable, early maturity and renowned multiple births. Finnsheep regularly have triplets and quads and produce enough milk to nurse them handily.
Finn sheep are genetically related to other rare primitive breeds in the Northern Short-tailed group so they come by their hardiness naturally. They were first imported from Finland to North America through Canada in 1966. Private breeders in the United States aquired stock and animals can now be found in registered flocks across the country. The Finn Breeders Association (FBA) maintains a strict registry of animals whose genetics trace to these founding animals.
Facts about Finn Wool
Finn wool is a medium wool with a micron count between 24 and 31. The staple length varies between 3 to 6 inches. The fleeces are generally open and light in weight, shearing on average at 5 - 6 pounds.
Hand spinners especially love Finn wool because of its luster (shine), the lovely variety of colors (often mixed), and its truly unmistakable soft hand. Finn wool also felts easily and is an excellent choice for wet-felting projects as well as needle-felting.
The many combinations of natural color in a Finn sheep fleece follow the same color patterns and genetics as the Shetland and Icelandic breeds. The most typical color is white, but black is also common. Brown, grey and fawn are also found. While some fleeces are solid, others are a beautiful blend of typical colors. Characteristic markings also appear in Finn sheep. Piebald (spots on the face or body), a badger-face or the HST (white spots or streaks on the head and face, feet and/or tail in an otherwise solid colored sheep).